“Make us beautiful”: rating of the most expensive license plates in Russia

Numbers with a spectacular and memorable combination of letters and numbers first appeared in pre-war times. At first, they were installed exclusively on official vehicles of the military, top government officials and government officials to ensure their unhindered passage to the checkpoint.

Since then, several reforms have been carried out repeatedly, as a result of which the rules for using such insignia have partially changed. For a long time, any citizen of the country could receive them on a first-come, first-served basis. But now the conditions have been adjusted again, and in order to officially get a beautiful number from the traffic police, you will have to make a lot of effort.

What is a beautiful state number?

The original number is considered to be a certain combination of numbers or letters on the vehicle license plate. If the standard options have a chaotic structure, then the beautiful ones adhere to a specific algorithm, which makes them more recognizable on the roads.

Therefore, they are divided into several types, differing in complexity, prestige and, as a result, demand among drivers:

  1. Triple - have 3 identical letters or numbers (A555OR, X467XX) and are the most popular.
  2. Mirror numbers - the first and third digits are the same, so these numbers are inexpensive and can be easily obtained when registering a car.
  3. Hundreds - contain digital sections that are specially rounded (P100BB, B500XA).
  4. Partial - have at least 2 identical numbers at the beginning or end, next to each other (A669PO, B133PA).
  5. Decimals - repeat the principle of hundreds, but the zeros are collected in a different order and come in front (A002BB, X009BB).
  6. Premium class - identical numbers and letters (O111OO, A444AA), therefore they are rarely found on sale and are very expensive.
  7. Verbal - characterizing the owners or encrypted names (Ya123NA - “Yana”, X159AM - “boor”).

Separately, it is worth highlighting the rarest versions, where the ideal combination is to merge a certain model with a region number, for example, BMW X7 with data X007xx77RUS. When the digital values ​​coincide with the region, the final price will be several times higher. This applies to registration plates of all types: this makes the numbers look much more attractive and prestigious.

What is its significance?

Such numbers do not provide special privileges before the law of the Russian Federation, so they are purchased solely to emphasize their high status. With a beautiful addition to the car, the vehicle becomes more recognizable, and many road users will pay attention to it. Typically, owners are guided by several principles when deciding to take such a step:

  • the desire to look respectable (purely psychologically, a person will feel on the same level with representatives of certain structures, which will give him confidence);
  • evoke respect from others (according to statistics, people react differently to a person with a beautiful number - they are less likely to want to go into conflict: they cut him off less and honk at him);
  • the desire to avoid punishment (if such signs are installed on an expensive car, traffic police officers think that the driver has connections, so they do not risk stopping him, although this is a controversial theory);
  • belief in the magical power of numbers (each sign is assigned its own meaning, which can attract success and luck - some car enthusiasts choose numbers to protect themselves).

But the desire to have a creatively designed license plate, even if it’s not a premium one, is due to the fact that it’s always really expensive to sell it, and while you’re driving it, you want to stand out from the crowd of other cars.

Can everyone choose state numbers?

Until the amendments to the law are officially adopted, no one chooses the combination of numbers and letters on the state car sign. The leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs say that there is no trade in “thieves” license plates in their department, just as there is no opportunity to choose the one you like based on an acquaintance or a request addressed to an MREO employee. Theoretically, every motorist can get a “beautiful” registration plate, but by chance. After all, for now they are assigned in order of priority.

In fact, “thieves” license plates can often be seen on expensive and prestigious cars, whose owners can clearly afford to spend money on such a whim. This means that you can still purchase the desired registration plate.

If the amendments to the law are adopted, every motorist will have the chance to choose a combination of numbers and letters for a license plate. How this will happen is still unknown, since the procedure is not spelled out in the amendments to the law. It must be defined separately. There are proposals to put up “thieves’ license plates” at auction. That is, the one who pays the most will buy such a sign. Actually, this is possible now, but the procedure has not yet been legalized.

We recommend reading about changing the license plate on a car. From the article you will learn about the reasons for replacing the state license plate, the restoration procedure, registration of a new license plate, cost and state duty.

And here is more information about cars with permanent registration.

How to officially purchase a license plate from the traffic police?

It is better to register the mark officially through the traffic police. To do this, you should use the well-known State Services service and follow the elementary algorithm:

  1. Create an account or log into your own profile.
  2. View available options from the catalog.
  3. Select an unused combination and submit a request.
  4. Pay the required state fee and provide a receipt.
  5. Receive selected numbers in the prescribed order.

It is important to remember that selling car plates outside of State Services is prohibited. Starting in 2020, the capital has an anti-corruption program that does not allow traffic police officers to distribute numbers outside the official website. All numbers are put into circulation on a first-come, first-served basis and are publicly available online. Attempts to bypass the fixed algorithm are automatically detected by the system and immediately suppressed by senior management.

Can everyone get it?

Theoretically, every citizen of the Russian Federation can get not only an ordinary, but also a beautiful number according to the above recommendations. The main thing is to carefully study the currently free versions and have time to pick them up - the most effective combinations do not remain in the general database for long.

Now, even such exclusive examples are also assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, so there is no need to look for alternative ways to get the desired distinction for a car. But if the driver does not want to choose from the proposed list, but consider and pick up a truly unique license plate, then the financial side of the issue will become an important point.

The most beautiful options can be seen and obtained only for a considerable amount, so you should be prepared for significant expenses if you want to arrange everything as quickly as possible.

Beautiful numbers

Not the coolest car owners have nice numbers on their cars. The cost of beautiful numbers is from 50 rubles. up to 600 dollars. It has become easier to get them - the question is money.

555 - Numbers with 3 identical numbers, as well as letters that begin and end with two zeros, cost approximately $200-$600.

There will not be many benefits from such an acquisition. It’s just that in Moscow you may not be stopped at your post. And in the regions, traffic police officers, on the contrary, can specifically stop you to find out who is driving such a car. Very cool license plates for any car will cost approximately $700-1500.

It is very difficult to obtain numbers in the format *777**77 or *999**99, since they show the prestige of the car owner. In the capital, drivers of cars with such signs are almost never stopped.

"I Eat As I Want"

This way you can decipher the numbers of the series E***KX77, as well as 99. They belong to the FSO of Russia. State traffic inspectors forgive them everything.

It's all about the high status of such numbers; they are very difficult to acquire. However, there were cases when such figures were given for special services. Their cost is about 70 thousand dollars.

  • The situation is simpler with the numbers X***KX77 and 99. They belong to FSB employees. They are very difficult and expensive to buy. You will have to pay approximately $40,000.
  • The C***SS77 series numbers are available from the Special Communications Center. Cars with them are not stopped in Moscow and the region. You can buy them for $4,000.
  • K***KK99 were originally created for Feldsvyaz. However, they never made money.

Deputy leftist

Federal parliamentary numbers are the coolest. According to the law, the elected representative of the people, as well as a member of the Federal Council, can put it with flags on the car. But many do not do this, but sell such figures. The sale price can range from $20,000 to $30,000. They don't stop cars with them.

Most of the cool rooms can be seen in Moscow and the region. However, they are also found in the regions.

Where can I get a nice license plate for my car?

You can buy beautiful license plates, but they will be very expensive. The number of offers on the market is huge. At the moment, the State Duma is considering a project so that the sale and purchase of such figures can only be carried out at a special auction.

Where can you buy beautiful, cool numbers for your car today?

  1. The most legitimate way is to purchase a car from an old owner that already has cool numbers. This method has long been practiced in many car dealerships. Car dealerships buy used cars with beautiful plates from their owners. After purchasing such a car, the new owner will need to re-register it by going to the traffic police with the former owner, as well as the original documents.
  2. Buying cool numbers through the traffic police is illegal. Both parties will be held responsible for bribes.
  3. Buying via the Internet is practically the same as repurchasing numbers from the owner. This method is quite common. Owners of cars with beautiful numbers create advertisements. And the buyers negotiate the deal.

How much?

Many vehicle owners are interested in how much beautiful license plates for a car will cost in 2020. According to public information collected by the Ministry of Economy, more than 4 million state license plates are issued annually. Unlike the original submission, the final tariff for the sign will also change.

Gradually, the state plans to regulate the market so that combinations have a fixed price depending on their content. For now they stick to the following values:

  • three identical numbers and letters – 600 thousand rubles;
  • hundred and mirror combinations - 450 thousand rubles;
  • decimal and partial versions – 300 thousand rubles;
  • selected combination of numbers – 200 thousand rubles;
  • other triple analogues – 150 thousand rubles;
  • number with the same letters – 130 thousand rubles;
  • only repetitions of letters – 100 thousand rubles;
  • identical symbols around the edges – 50 thousand rubles.

The hardest thing to say is the price with encrypted words: not only will not all the words be inserted there, but the final price will be determined depending on their complexity. But it will definitely not be lower than 500 thousand rubles, and in some cases it can reach a million - it all depends on the imagination of the owner and his financial capabilities.

Special license plates in Russian regions

Until 1993, vehicles of the capital's law enforcement agencies had series numbers MOS, MOL, etc. They weren't sold. They could be given for services rendered or out of great friendship. With the release of the new series of license plates, which have three numbers and three letters, everything has changed. For example, the combination appeared on the first car of the head of the traffic police - o100 oo 77. Although at first this combination was intended for the FSB. The market immediately reacted to this. And such figures quickly increased in price. There has been high demand for them for 3 years. They sold for at least $6,000. Because of this, no one ever slowed down such cars.

Trading in FSB numbers and letters led to the fact that the security officers themselves had only 60 such numbers left. And in 1998 they were removed from the department. And persecution began against the owners of numbers with three zeros. Such cars could be stopped until information about the owner is fully clarified. Their prices have fallen accordingly.

  • Not long ago, O***OO 97 numbers appeared. They cost even less - about $3,000. They are purchased mainly by artists. For example, on Alexander Malinin’s machine there is a combination with three zeros.
  • A***AA 77 is owned mainly by private individuals. They are especially popular among wealthy people. They do not have representative functions. Outside of Moscow, you should be afraid to stop cars with similar license plates. But the capital's traffic police officers may well stop and even fine the owner of such a car. People who have paid a considerable amount to buy a beautiful room are surprised. After all, when this series first went on sale, a rumor was immediately started that these were license plates of the presidential administration, which means they were inviolable.
  • The A***AA99 can be purchased for about $4,000. Now such numbers are in commercial use and are available to FSB officers.
  • AMO, AMO were truly inviolable. But that was a very long time ago. Today their value exceeds $3,000.
  • MR will cost buyers approximately 5-10 thousand dollars. But the investment will be well worth it. A car with them can be stopped only for a serious violation.
  • MO77s cost about $1,000.

So, before you buy cool license plates for your own car, you should think carefully about why you need them. It doesn't always make sense to invest a lot of money into making your car special. To begin with, it’s worth asking what the decoding of the number is. Perhaps a license plate purchased for several thousand dollars will not give you privileges on the roads.

Is it legal to buy a license plate online?

Now the worldwide network is filled with advertisements for the sale of any numbers, and additional services are also offered, such as assistance in registering beautiful combinations. According to the regulations of the Russian Federation, such online methods are illegal, since a license plate for a car cannot be purchased separately from the car itself - only this scheme is allowed.

It is precisely due to the growing demand for exclusive combinations that cases of virtual fraud have become more frequent. Often, scammers only lure inexperienced drivers, take the money, and that’s the end of it. Moreover, it will be quite difficult to find and prove the guilt of the deceiver. And in particularly complicated schemes, when they ask for a full set of documents for false registration, they can even rewrite the rights to your vehicle. Therefore, you should be careful about transactions via the Internet and do not voluntarily sign a purchase and sale agreement without a notary.

Before you purchase an exclusive license plate online, you should consider all the possible risks and try to avoid mistakes (for example, losing a large amount of money and ultimately still being left without license plates). There are often cases when simple signs are sold, and when you try to register a car with them at the traffic police, questions arise about the legality of receipt. Thus, it is the owner of the car who will be blamed for the revealed deception, so you need to make sure that the agreement is transparent and, for maximum reliability, use a legal method, and not the services of unknown intermediaries from the Internet.

What numbers are currently issued in Moscow?

Now in Moscow they issue numbers with series 799 and 750. This depends on the area of ​​the capital. There are many more letter combinations:

  • "K...NOT"
  • "K...NH"
  • "E...NV"
  • "Oh...TU"
  • "Oh...MH"
  • "S...MH",
  • "U...MO"
  • “K...UV”,
  • “U...NOT.”

And this is not a complete list. But it is much more important that from January 1, 2019, the signs will look different, as they are carried out according to the new GOST R 50577-2018. The content of some of them will also change. For example, the license plate of a sports car will have the letter “C”, and the license plate of a vintage car will have the letter “K”.

New license plates for passenger cars

Old registration plates are not subject to mandatory replacement; they can be used. New ones will be received by those car owners who register the car with the traffic police or issue a duplicate.

Possible problems

Besides the financial and legal complexity, the process of buying beautiful rooms is not the safest type of transaction. Therefore, during its conclusion, it is definitely worth emphasizing the following nuances:

  1. Too low a price for cool numbers should raise suspicions, especially if they are offered in absentia format, via the Internet - there is no need to agree to such an option.
  2. Imitation for the government version - it is better to avoid combinations that are used in other government agencies, since the traffic police may show undue attention to them.
  3. Shadow registration, since even spectacular license plates must be officially assigned to the driver with all the papers, otherwise the car enthusiast will have problems at the first check.
  4. Unofficial extradition - you cannot use the help of friends in the police, because now the government strictly monitors the schemes and even after years this can turn out to be problems for both sides.

In addition, the owner of the vehicle must have an open category of driver's license to drive the exact car for which it is planned to find unique license plates. If such a document is not on hand, then as an alternative you will have to draw up a power of attorney, and this is another additional expense.

If you have decided in principle to become the owner of elite series license plates, you should try to be as attentive and careful as possible during the search. It is necessary to avoid purchase/sale transactions with dubious or suspicious partners and adhere to a clearly fixed registration algorithm.

In order to 100% avoid deception, you should carefully check in advance the private seller or organization where such a specific purchase will be made. Please note that the numbers purchased should not be too complex or suspicious, and most importantly, be considered truly real. Otherwise, the employee has the right to confiscate them along with the car.

In fact, buying beautiful license plates is not a vital situation and in practice you can get by just fine with registration plates officially issued by the traffic police, without creating unnecessary problems for yourself for the sake of image in the form of such an addition to the car. The process of searching and acquiring license plates will take a lot of time to complete transactions and register the car.

Problems when buying cool numbers

Rear license plate light does not light up fine

If you have enough money and can afford to buy a beautiful room, you should be prepared for the main problems that arise when making a transaction.

It should be understood that:

  1. In order for a car to be registered, it must be running. If you buy a car that has an overdue inspection, you will have to spend extra money to get the inspection done. Ask the owner of the car to perform a technical inspection before selling it.
  2. Do not purchase buses, trucks or other vehicles that do not qualify for your license. Indeed, in this case, you may be refused to register your car.
  3. Be sure to check the availability of the MTPL policy. To register a car, you must have a valid MTPL policy.
  4. A cool number must be original. It must not be a copy, otherwise it may be confiscated along with the car. Be sure to check its connection to the VIN code. This way you can find out what license plate the car is actually registered with.
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