Car fire extinguisher: requirements, price, how to choose

Expiration dates

A car fire extinguisher has its own warranty period and inspection period. The warranty period is the time during which the manufacturer ensures that the fire extinguisher operates correctly. It usually ranges from 3 to 5 years from the date of production. The review usually takes place within a year or two.

After this period, take the fire extinguisher to a fire extinguisher service center for inspection. The date of manufacture is always indicated on the fire extinguisher, so checking its suitability for use yourself should not be a problem.

It should be remembered that the fire extinguisher may also be checked during the assessment of the technical condition of the vehicle. Fire extinguisher inspection takes the form of a visual inspection, and only its absence will result in a negative test result.

The shelf life of fire extinguishers for cars should not exceed five years, but powder extinguishers should be stored for no more than ten years.

Main causes of fire

It’s better not to even encounter a fire in a car, so we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most common causes of fire:

  • electrical wiring faults;
  • smoking in the cabin or while refueling;
  • transportation of flammable objects or liquids in the cabin or trunk;
  • warming up the car in winter with an open fire;
  • battery problems.

In most cases, the driver himself becomes the culprit of the fire. No one is immune from wiring faults, so be sure to buy a fire extinguisher for your car , and regularly check the correct operation of all electrical systems in the car.

Terms of use

In theory, operating a car fire extinguisher should not pose much of a problem, but given the circumstances in which it is to be used, many people under stress have trouble starting it properly. Therefore, you should carefully study the operating instructions for the fire extinguisher. Below are three basic steps you should take if you need to use a fire extinguisher.

Remember! Before use, you should look at its label for expiration date information.

  1. Unlock the fire extinguisher To unlock the trigger, remove the cotter pin. The best way to do this is to rotate it around its axis: then the plastic fastening strap will break and the fire extinguisher will be ready for use.
  2. Puncture the cartridge Poke the cartridge with your fist, wait 3 seconds and press the lever, thereby beginning to spray the extinguishing agent. Some fire extinguishers are equipped with a pressure gauge located next to the handle. With them you do not need to pierce the cartridge, and extinguishing begins the first time you press the lever.
  3. Keep the fire extinguisher upright To get the most out of a fire, hold the extinguisher upright with the trigger handle in the highest position. Try not to turn it upside down or open the valve wide: the fire intensifies due to the influx of more oxygen. To avoid getting burned, wear thick gloves.

Powder or carbon dioxide: which is better?

There are several types of car fire extinguishers on the market. Accordingly, against the backdrop of such diversity, many car enthusiasts are interested in what kind of fire extinguisher should be in the car. The best option is to purchase a powder or carbon dioxide model. Let's look at the features of each.


A powder fire extinguisher (OP) is one of the most popular products. To extinguish a fire, a special powder is used, which creates a dense film over the fire site and blocks the access of oxygen. The advantages of powder models include:

  • wide range of operating temperatures (from -60 to +50 degrees);
  • the ability to extinguish fires of all classes, including in hard-to-reach places due to the high penetrating ability of the powder;
  • preventing secondary ignition;
  • lower price compared to carbon dioxide.

The OP also has several unpleasant shortcomings. The main one is the need for thorough cleaning after using a fire extinguisher. Also, dust from the powder flies in the air for a certain time after extinguishing, which is not recommended to be inhaled. OPs have a shelf life of 10 years.

Additionally, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the classification of products based on the principle of creating pressure:

  • The cylinder is marked with the letter “B”. Response time – 4-5 seconds. Compressed gas is stored inside the cylinder. When the fire extinguisher is activated, the cylinder is pierced with a needle, and under the action of the escaping gas, the powder enters the nozzle.
  • Uploaded models – letter “Z”. The powder is under pressure, and the design includes a pressure indicator and a locking element. Thanks to these elements, you can quickly determine the readiness of the device. One of the fastest.
  • With a gas-generating device (cartridge) - letter “G”. Such models are equipped with special components that create a pressure difference due to a chemical reaction. After activation, you must wait 4-5 seconds before the powder starts flowing.

Before purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the labeling.

Carbon dioxide

The second type of product for cars is a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher (CO). As the name suggests, CO2 is used to eliminate the source of fire. The gas displaces oxygen, and the fire goes out. The main advantages of the UO include:

  • longer service life - up to 15 years;
  • no traces of fire extinguishing, since you do not have to waste time and effort cleaning the body or upholstery in the cabin;
  • Possibility of quick and convenient refilling.

The disadvantages of such models include their high weight, which means you have to install powerful mounts or put a fire extinguisher in the trunk. Also, models with carbon dioxide are more expensive than powder ones and require caution during use, as there is a chance of getting burned or poisoned by the gas. The jet temperature is up to -90 degrees Celsius, so the surface cools quite quickly.

This is basic information regarding the types of car fire extinguishers. As you can see, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the choice of type falls solely on the shoulders of the drivers.

Rating of car fire extinguishers

Once you have learned about the types of fire extinguishers, their requirements and technical features, you have decided to buy one. But you have a question: “Which fire extinguisher should I choose for my car?” And so that it doesn’t remain, we have compiled a rating of the best car fire extinguishers.

Lada Top Auto OP-2(z)-ALL-02

Small fire extinguisher class “B,C,E”! The compact powder fire extinguisher is designed to extinguish fires of oils and gases, as well as electrical equipment up to 1000 V. Thanks to its small size, it is ideal for small cars that do not have room for a large fire.

  • Price: 600 rubles;
  • Total weight: 2.7 kilograms;
  • Weight of the extinguishing mixture: ~2.3 kilograms;
  • Type: powder;
  • Declared service life: 5 years.

Reef OU-2 BCE-02

Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher designed to extinguish Group B fires. There is a pressure indicator that allows you to constantly monitor the pressure of the fire extinguisher. The body is a deep-drawn steel tank, coated with durable varnish; it also has the advantage that the inside of the tank is protected from corrosion.

Operating time 15 s., application temperature range from -20 ° C to + 60 ° C. Designed specifically to ensure safety in paint shops, energy, warehouses, workshops, cars, buses, etc. Has a latch that allows you to attach the fire extinguisher to a wall bracket,

  • Price: 550 rubles;
  • Total weight: 7 kilograms;
  • Weight of the extinguishing mixture: ~6.5 kilograms;
  • Type: carbon dioxide;
  • Claimed service life: 5 years, rechargeable.


An excellent compact fire extinguisher designed to extinguish ABCE type fires.

  • Price: 475 rubles;
  • Total weight: 3 kilograms;
  • Weight of the extinguishing mixture: 2 kilograms;
  • Type: powder;
  • Declared service life: 10 years.


Starting in 2020, some regulations regarding fire extinguisher requirements have changed. When purchasing, you must check the model for compliance with the following points:

  • An existing or purchased fire extinguishing agent for vehicles must comply with two main GOSTs - NPB 155 from 2002 and P51057 from 2001.
  • Cars are allowed to be equipped with one of two types of fire extinguishers (carbon dioxide or powder). The advantages of each will be discussed below.
  • Availability of markings. Any certified product must have on its body basic information regarding the type of product and detailed instructions for use. The expiration date must be considered, since after a certain period of time it will be necessary to refuel.
  • Minimum weight. For passenger cars, the fire extinguisher must have a mass of at least 2 kilograms, and for trucks - from 5 kilograms. Similar indicators for volumes, but in liters, respectively.

Please note that you will need a car fire extinguisher for inspection, during which experts will perform a visual inspection or autopsy. It is important to always have a fully functional and functional fire extinguishing agent with you.

How to choose a fire extinguisher for a car?

The process of choosing a fire extinguisher is not particularly difficult if you strictly follow a certain methodology. To make it easier for you, study the following sequence of actions:

  1. Determine the required volume and number of fire extinguishers depending on your vehicle. For passenger cars - a model with a minimum capacity of 2 liters and 2 kilograms, for trucks - from 5 liters and 5 kilograms. For buses you will need two products (one for the interior, and the second for the body).
  2. Decide on the type of device (depending on the benefits and price), whether you want to take powder or carbon dioxide. Learn how often each model needs to be checked and refilled.
  3. Visit specialty automotive stores that sell fire extinguishers. Compare prices with products in online stores.
  4. When purchasing, check that the product meets the required GOST standards and makes sure there is no physical damage. The fire extinguisher must contain comprehensive information about its type, volume, characteristics, as well as instructions for use and expiration date.
  5. Be sure to ask for a technical passport and related certificates.
  6. It is advisable to buy models with a metal body. Don't be fooled by the low cost of fire extinguishers with plastic bodies.
  7. If you have a pressure gauge, make sure that the needle is in the green zone, which indicates full functionality.
  8. Make sure the receipt is sealed.

Pay attention to the brand. All major fire extinguisher manufacturers have their own website and a wide range of products. If you come across a little-known company, information about which is difficult to find, we do not recommend trusting this company.

Well-known brands include NPK "Systems and Technologies of Fire Safety", APTV, "Gals", "Oniks", "Pozhtekhnika", "Egida".

Selection by manufacturer

In search of the best fire extinguisher for cars, many order devices from almost other countries. But this is exactly the wrong decision.

There is no need to search for equipment via the Internet in other countries. Sometimes this is even wrong, since different countries have their own rules, norms and standards.

The correct choice of an effective fire extinguisher for a car lies in its compliance with the specified parameters, as well as in its manufacture in accordance with current standards and regulations. And not all devices that are sold even through specialized stores can boast of this.

Objectively, the best car fire extinguisher purchased for a car is one that has been certified in Russia and has the appropriate documents confirming that the product has been checked by fire inspection representatives.

You can make a small rating of manufacturers whose car fire extinguisher definitely has quality certificates and is manufactured in strict accordance with the rules in force in our country. These companies include:

  • SAM Savior.
  • Rospozharoborudovanie.
  • Source Plus.
  • Pozhservis M.
  • Fortress.

It is important to check for certificates and regulations issued by the fire department every year. Regular inspections may reveal violations in production, which is why the manufacturer is excluded from the list of those who have passed mandatory certification. That’s why the ratings are regularly updated.

As of 2020, all of the listed companies are included in the unified register of manufacturers of fire-fighting equipment. They produce certified fire extinguishers that meet all standards and are suitable for use for the entire declared period.

By purchasing some Chinese fire extinguisher, you risk that it simply will not work or will not cope with the task. Pursuing the goal of saving money on purchasing such an element is absolutely not worth it. This can turn out badly for a driver who finds himself in a difficult situation.

You should never skimp on your own safety under any circumstances.

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