Trouble P2110 Throttle Actuator Control - Forced Speed ​​Limit

VAZ 2110 error codes are presented numerically on the display, and they are transmitted from phase sensors to the on-board computer. This is convenient, but a novice driver will not understand much and will not be able to figure out how to use this equipment. But you need to know and be able to do this, since the system, thanks to the built-in self-diagnosis function, will help to identify a malfunction in the early stages, which means it is possible to eliminate it in a timely manner.

Possible causes of error P0304

Engine Mechanical, Wiring, Ignition/Fuel System, Injector, Coolant Temperature/MAF Sensor, ECM

A P0304 code may mean that one or more of the following has occurred: Faulty spark plug or coil wire Faulty (packed) Faulty oxygen sensor(s) Faulty fuel (injector) exhaust valve Faulty catalytic converter(s) running out of fuel Poor compression Defective computer

Possible causes of the P0300 error code

Let us once again remember the saying about “there is nothing to set on fire and nothing to set on fire with.” This is where the list of possible faults comes from.

  1. These are old and dirty spark plugs that, due to carbon deposits or destruction of the electrodes, misfire. This is easy to check - by turning out the spark plugs and, to be on the safe side, replacing them with a new and known good set.
  2. This is a malfunction of the ignition coil itself or the distributor on old engines with central ignition (for example, the Japanese had distributor injection engines that survived almost until the two thousandth century). More modern engines with individual ignition coils or paired coils (separate, as on ZMZ engines, or interlocked, as in VAZ ignition modules) in this case, problems will arise only with a specific cylinder or with a pair of cylinders, that is, error P0300 will not be recorded.
  3. “Nothing to set on fire” may also be due to insufficient compression in the cylinders or incorrect operation of the gas distribution. The first is checked with a basic compression tester, or in a car service - with a motor tester. Measuring intake vacuum and cylinder pressure directly while the engine is running gives a much more accurate picture of the engine's condition.
  4. Incorrect operation of the gas distribution mechanism is, first of all, the “loss” of marks due to a stretched timing chain, a skipped belt, or assembly errors of “keyless” engines, where there are no marks at all, and the shafts are set with special devices. A classic example is Ford keyless engines, where a deviation of several degrees can already cause tripping at idle and the recording of numerous misfires.
  5. The air-fuel mixture may also refuse to ignite normally due to an incorrect composition. A mixture that is too lean is ignited with a candle “every other time,” while a mixture that is too rich will cause the candles to become fouled with soot. A characteristic sign of this is the presence in the controller’s memory of errors in the composition of the mixture (P0172, P0171), or at least a fuel correction noticeably different from zero. We only note that chaotic misfires on engines with plastic intake manifolds are most often caused by warping or cracking of the plastic and the occurrence of an error. Neither “basins” nor foreign cars are immune from this.
  6. There is another way to make the engine stall, and it works best at idle, when engine vibration is more noticeable and crankshaft accelerations are calculated more accurately: a malfunction of the exhaust gas recirculation system. On engines with EGR, the supply of exhaust gases to the intake is controlled by an electric valve, the throughput of which is determined for each specific mode by firmware. An abnormal supply of exhaust gases literally “chokes” the engine, forcing it to work intermittently - hence the recording of error P0300. In this case, there will be associated errors associated with the operation of the EGR, and physical suppression of the exhaust gas supply channel will lead to a noticeable normalization of engine operation.
  7. And finally, let’s not forget about the “quality” of gasoline itself: we have repeatedly encountered liquid in gas tanks that only vaguely resembles flammable liquid. It doesn’t have to be a “palenka” - often the culprit is the gas station attendants, who regularly manage to pour diesel fuel into the gasoline, and gasoline into the diesel fuel.

How to resolve error P0304?

If there are no symptoms, the simplest thing to do is reset the code and see if it comes back. If there are symptoms such as the engine stumbling or hesitating, checkall the wiring and connectors that lead to the cylinders (ie spark plugs). Depending on how long the ignition components have been in the car, it may be a good idea to replace them as part of your regular maintenance schedule. I would suggest the spark plugs, spark plug wires, distributor cap, and rotor (if applicable). Otherwise, check the coils (aka coils). In some cases the catalyticconverter has become corrupted. If you smell rotten eggs in your exhaust, your cat will convert. I have also heard that in other cases the problem was faulty fuel injectors.

What are cylinder misfires?

A misfire is a malfunction of the engine when the mixture of fuel and air in one or more cylinders does not ignite in a timely manner or does not ignite at all.
As a result, the operation of the internal combustion engine according to the specified clock cycles is disrupted, the engine begins to “trouble” and jerk, and power is noticeably lost. Unburned fuel from an idle cylinder enters the exhaust system and burns there. For this reason, misfires may additionally be accompanied by popping noises and shots in the muffler.

We also recommend reading the article about why the car muffler shoots. From this article you will learn about all the possible causes of popping noises in the muffler, as well as diagnostic methods and some ways to solve the problem.

Let's start with the fact that if there are problems with ignition of the mixture on an engine with a carburetor, the main signs are: “triple” of the engine, lumbago in the exhaust system, loss of power, as well as a distinct smell of fuel from the exhaust pipe.

In the case of an injector, similar symptoms may appear, while a check light often lights up on the dashboard of an injected car, and misfires are recorded in the ECU as an error. All this means that the driver needs to conduct computer diagnostics of the engine.

Let us add that after the control unit detects such omissions, the ECU can also forcibly turn off one or even two problem cylinders. This happens after the control unit analyzes the DPKV readings, taking into account the rotation speed of the crankshaft and the cylinders operating at that moment. Measurements are taken every quarter turn (on engines with 4 cylinders).

The misfire counter turns off the non-firing cylinders after the permissible misfire threshold is exceeded. Shutdown means stopping the fuel supply. The cylinder is then reactivated after a programmed period of time or after the engine has restarted.

This solution was created in order to protect the catalytic converter in the exhaust system, which is equipped with injection cars. The fact is that the ingress of unburned fuel from idle cylinders destroys the catalyst. Eliminating cylinders that have misfires from operation allows you to drive to the service station under your own power, with minimal damage to the catalyst.

It should be added that even if the problem arose one-time, that is, it is not systematic, in some cases it is not possible to extinguish the burning check using simple methods (for example, removing the terminal from the battery). In other words, the check light is constantly on, and the engine error can only be reset by software. In this case, after connecting diagnostic equipment to the car, a misfire in cylinder 2, misfire in cylinders 2 and 3, etc. can be detected.

The misfire error itself is indicated on the scanner by the letter “P”. For example, p0301 indicates that a misfire in the first cylinder was detected by the ECM and recorded in the ECU memory. Error p0302 (misfire in cylinder 2) will indicate specifically the second cylinder, p0300 - random multiple misfires detected, error 300 misfire, overshoot, etc. In any case, this error indicates that there is a problem that needs to be fixed.

Symptoms of a problem

A mixture misfire is a failure to ignite the fuel-air mixture or its untimely ignition. In any of the cases, the system counts the number of misses and delays, and, if necessary, turns off the idle cylinder or even a pair. On most cars, the first sign of a malfunction is the “check” symbol lighting up on the dashboard.

Also among the common signs can be noted:

  1. Smell of fuel from the exhaust pipe . Since the mixture did not ignite in the cylinder, it is discharged almost unchanged or partially neutralized.
  2. Shoots in the exhaust system . If a partial fire occurs, the catalytic converter is severely damaged, which can lead to popping noises.
  3. Loss of power . The engine does not work properly, causing the crankshaft to spin at a lower speed, resulting in a significant loss of power.
  4. Engine tripping . Failure of one or a pair of cylinders leads to the fact that the engine begins to vibrate during operation and other signs of malfunction appear.

We also recommend reading our specialist’s article, which talks about what white smoke from the exhaust pipe means.

In cars with an electronic control unit, there are several types of errors that indicate a breakdown.

  1. P0300 . It is a sign of multiple failures in the process of ignition of the combustible mixture in different cylinders.
  2. P0301 - p0304 . The last number shows which cylinder is not working properly.

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Kia Rio - P0301 Cylinder 1 - Misfire Detected - General

A misfire can be caused by the fact that the fuel in the combustion chamber does not ignite due to lack of a spark, improper fuel dosage, insufficient compression pressure, and for many other reasons. Even a small number of missed flashes can lead to a significant increase in the toxicity of exhaust gases due to the presence of unburned fuel in them. An excessive number of missed flashes can lead to damage to the Kia Rio catalytic converter. The detection of missed flashes is carried out by the ECM by registering sharp fluctuations in the crankshaft speed. The cylinder in which the flash occurs is detected by individually monitoring sharp fluctuations in the crankshaft speed for individual cylinders. Isolated misfires indicate that fuel is not being burned in one or more cylinders.

Deciphering the P0300 code

Random misfire detected in cylinder(s)

What Causes Code P0300

  • damaged or worn spark plugs
  • Damaged or worn spark plug and/or ignition coil wires
  • The ignition distributor cap is damaged or worn.
  • the “slider” of the distributor (ignition distributor) is damaged or worn out
  • Fuel injectors are dirty or damaged
  • The EGR valve tubes or the valve itself are clogged
  • Incorrect ignition timing (late or early ignition)
  • leakage of vacuum tubes
  • low fuel pressure
  • Damaged cylinder head gasket(s)
  • distributor cap is cracked
  • camshaft position sensor faulty
  • crankshaft position sensor is faulty
  • The mass air flow sensor (MAF sensor) is faulty
  • faulty oxygen sensor (lambda probe)
  • Throttle position sensor is faulty
  • the catalytic converter (catalyst) is faulty
  • faulty engine control unit

Conditions for generating an error

In order for error P0300 to be ultimately recorded by the control unit and stored in memory, certain conditions must be met.

  • The system must detect the presence of misfires simultaneously in several working cylinders of the engine.
  • When idling, the error is recorded in the memory 210 seconds after the engine starts.
  • If the speed is 2000 rpm and higher, then the error will persist after 60 seconds.
  • To fix P0300 in the ECU memory, it is required that the omission be more than 3.25% of the number of flashes that occur per 1 thousand crankshaft revolutions.

When misfires occur in the engine, the exhaust toxicity in the exhaust system pipe increases significantly.

This problem can cause an increase in the temperature of the catalyst and its further damage in the form of melting of the honeycomb. And replacing a catalyst is very expensive, even on budget cars.

On some cars, in order to reduce fuel burnout in the catalyst and reduce toxicity, the ECU monitors misfires based on data from the camshaft and crankshaft. In addition to registering an error and the appearance of the Check Engine indicator on the instrument panel, the electronics can turn off some injectors in the cylinders where misfires are observed.

If these conditions are met, the motorist will be able to read P0300 on the scanner. It will manifest itself not only in the form of a lit Check Engine light, but also other associated symptoms.

How is the P0300 code diagnosed?

  • Using an OBD-II scanner, all errors are cleared from the control unit (PCM) memory. A test drive of the vehicle is carried out to ensure that there is no error code P0300.
  • If the error remains, then using real-time viewing of parameters, the cylinders in which misfires occur are determined
  • Checking spark plugs, ignition coils and wires
  • Spark plugs are checked for excessive wear and cracks.
  • Check the ignition coils, wiring harness and connectors for damage or signs of corrosion.
  • Replace spark plugs, high-voltage wires, ignition coils, wiring or connectors as necessary
  • If after all of the above the problem still remains, you need to check the fuel injectors and fuel supply system
  • Old cars have an ignition distributor. It is necessary to check the distributor cap and slider for damage, cracks or wear.
  • If there are other associated DTCs, they should be resolved as necessary.
  • After this, test drive the car again to make sure there are no more errors.
  • If the P0300 code returns again, you need to check the compression ratio in the cylinders.
  • Damage to the cylinders is rare, but quite possible for this error.
  • If after all the checks the P0300 trouble code is still present, then it may be an engine control module problem. It may need to be replaced or reprogrammed.

Common mistakes when diagnosing code P0300

One common mistake is to rule out the possibility of a faulty cylinder, fuel injector, or PCM. Also, often after eliminating misfires, diagnostics and repair of associated errors are not carried out.

Associated trouble codes such as a faulty cylinder, faulty fuel injector(s) and/or internal control unit error can also cause the misfire problem.

Characteristic symptoms

Even inexperienced motorists can predict in advance the display of error code P0300 on the scanner, based on changes in the behavior of their vehicle.

There are several signs characteristic of such an error:

  • at idle speed the engine vibrates noticeably;
  • similar shaking occurs at low speeds;
  • when picking up speed, the car can jerk and throw to the sides;
  • fuel consumption increases significantly;
  • problems in the form of difficulty starting the engine cannot be ruled out;
  • traction drops, dynamics deteriorate, the car fails to accelerate normally.

All this is accompanied by a lit Check Engine light on the dashboard.

Having noticed such signs, it is almost certain that there is a misfire. That is, when connected to the computer with a diagnostic scanner, the code P0300 will be displayed in the memory.

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How serious is P0300?

The P0300 error code is considered serious. The reason is that in the presence of this error, problems with the car's handling appear. Operating such a vehicle can lead to dangerous situations on the road. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the causes and eliminate the malfunction as soon as possible.

What needs to be repaired in case of error P0300?

  • Replacing damaged spark plugs
  • Replacing damaged or worn spark plug wires and/or ignition coils
  • Repairing or replacing clogged EGR pipes or valve
  • Vacuum tube leak repair
  • Replacing a damaged cylinder head gasket
  • Replacing a faulty camshaft sensor
  • Replacing a faulty crankshaft sensor
  • Replacing a faulty air flow sensor
  • Replacing a faulty oxygen sensor
  • Replacing a faulty throttle position sensor
  • Replacing faulty fuel injectors
  • Replacing a faulty catalytic converter
  • Diagnose and repair other related trouble codes
  • Replacing the distributor cap and slider, as well as wires and coils (if installed on the car)
  • If necessary, repair malfunctions of internal engine parts.
  • Replacing a faulty engine control module (PCM)
  • P0300, OBD 2 error codes in Russian, tips

On what cars does it occur?

Although error P0300 is quite universal and widespread, it is most often encountered by owners of domestic cars. It would be fair to include:

  • VAZ 2110.
  • VAZ 2114.
  • Lada Kalina.
  • Lada Priora
  • VAZ 2115.

Although the last 2 cars are not entirely Russian, they are usually classified as domestic automobile production. On them, errors P0300 are found no less often than on VAZ, among Prior, Kalin and other creations under the Lada brand.

But error P0300 is also typical for foreign cars. Among the most frequently encountered machines that display error code P0300 during diagnostics are the following brands and models:

  • Chevrolet Lacetti.
  • Hyundai Solaris.
  • Kia Rio.
  • Hyundai Sonata.
  • Kia Ceed.
  • Nissan Almera.
  • Toyota Corolla.
  • Mitsubishi Lancer, etc.

If we compare the frequency with which error P0300 occurs on VAZ 2114 cars and on the same Korean Hyundai Solaris, it is the foreign car that will be in a more advantageous position.

But still, a lot depends on how the car is maintained, how promptly all consumables are changed, and what quality of fuel is used.

As a result, the P0300 error is multi-brand and can affect a car of any make, model and year of manufacture.

If error P0300 eventually appears on the scanner when checking the control unit, the only correct solution would be to carry out diagnostics and begin repair work.

Kia Rio - P0304 Cylinder 4 - Misfire Detected - General

A misfire can be caused by the fact that the fuel in the combustion chamber does not ignite due to lack of a spark, improper fuel dosage, insufficient compression pressure, and for many other reasons. Even a small number of missed flashes can lead to a significant increase in the toxicity of exhaust gases due to the presence of unburned fuel in them. An excessive number of missed flashes can damage the catalytic converter. The detection of missed flashes is carried out by the ECM by registering sharp fluctuations in the crankshaft speed. The cylinder in which the flash occurs is detected by individually monitoring sharp fluctuations in the crankshaft speed for individual cylinders. Isolated misfires indicate that fuel is not being burned in one or more cylinders.

Kia Rio - P0302 Cylinder 2 - Misfire Detected - General Information

A misfire can be caused by the fact that the fuel in the combustion chamber does not ignite due to lack of a spark, improper fuel dosage, insufficient compression pressure, and for many other reasons. Even a small number of missed flashes can lead to a significant increase in the toxicity of exhaust gases due to the presence of unburned fuel in them. An excessive number of missed flashes can damage the catalytic converter. The detection of missed flashes is carried out by the ECM by registering sharp fluctuations in the crankshaft speed. The cylinder in which the flash occurs is detected by individually monitoring sharp fluctuations in the crankshaft speed for individual cylinders. Isolated misfires indicate that fuel is not being burned in one or more cylinders.

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