What is the difference between a switch and a router

What is a switch in a car?

This term refers to the device responsible for the appearance of a spark. The spark occurs in the ignition unit, and the switch in the car is the unit that coordinates this process. The ignition system is divided into two components - a control unit and a unit where the spark discharge occurs. The control system controls the moment the spark appears, and the execution unit is engaged in its formation.

Previously, cars had a fuel ignition system with battery ignition. It was based on the principle of self-induction. Such a system worked for a long time - until the advent of a fundamentally different element base. It has a simple transistor circuit. Regulation is carried out using current passing through the bobbin. The basic principle remains unchanged - the switches still operate on electromagnetic induction.

Types of switches

According to their functional features, switches are divided into three main types:

  • standard;
  • sports;
  • a switch that has the option of adjusting the ignition timing.

A distinctive feature of a standard or, as it is also called, stock switch is its stability. It strictly corresponds to the parameters of the car in which it is installed.

Stock switch

installed in the car at the factory. As a rule, manufacturers make sure that the device can ensure maximum reliability and durability of the entire engine. As a rule, they have a speed limiting unit, which in some cases can save the lives of the driver and passengers.

Sports Switch

increases the upper limit of engine speed. It can be installed in a car at the request of the car owner. The problem is that only experienced specialists can perform such a procedure, and the installation will require the replacement of a number of other parts. However, you should still remember that a sports switch is a risk of an accident, especially if an inexperienced driver is behind the wheel.

Commutator with phase correction

equalizes engine torque, compensating for lack of power. As a result, the car receives good acceleration data and smooth engine operation at different speeds.

Why do you need a switch in the ignition system?

The transistor reduces the load on the breaker. The current strength increases many times over. The system works more reliably - without interruptions at higher speeds, and therefore at high speeds. The compression ratio of the power unit has increased. Ignition characteristics have improved thanks to devices operating on both transistor and thyristor circuits.

Therefore, battery ignition was completely replaced, although until some time it was dominant. In addition, innovation has made it possible to eliminate contact breakers.

How to connect a switch on a scooter? General recommendations

A huge number of 4t scooters are offered in Russia. Low-quality switches are installed in budget-class models, which tend to burn out under the influence of increased load or moisture. This issue may also affect owners of more expensive equipment, because with the help of switches, manufacturers limit the maximum speed of movement. Before performing any work, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the electronic features of your vehicle. This will save a lot of money on contacting specialized professionals and will make the procedure as fast and comfortable as possible.

The main differences between switches

Products from Chinese manufacturers, as a rule, use one of two types of switches - DC or AC. The physical feature of the former is that it is much larger in size. The principle of energy accumulation for spark transmission also has a different nature. In DC, a rechargeable battery is used to store the spark (the switch is powered directly from a 12 Volt battery). In the case of AC type switches, this energy is supplied through the use of one generator coil (the switch is powered by a ~ 160 Volt coil). This is where the differences between the presented varieties end.

Features of the work

Before starting assembly, it would be a good idea to take a smartphone or digital camera with you to familiarize yourself with the correct pinout diagram. You can also go to specialized Internet resources and find official images showing the connection diagram of the electronic filling. Don't forget to take a full set of electrical tools that may be needed to complete the replacement.

Having found the switch, you need to clarify its type. To do this, just connect the multimeter to the power cable, turn on the ignition and look at the display readings. We will have a DC type only if power appears.

It also happens that food does not appear. In this case, you need to select the AC test mode, selecting a range of 200 volts. Crank the power unit using the starter. In the case of AC type switches, power will appear immediately.

Why is it important to determine the switch type?

Some owners of scooters (in particular, those from Yamaha) often face the problem of correct identification. There are practically no official manuals, so owners have to work blindly and trust in luck. Buying a switch that is not designed to be used on a scooter can have serious consequences. The first of these is the immediate failure of the part being replaced. There is no difference in what kind of switches are installed - DC on a scooter that only supports AC, and vice versa. The electronic filling will burn out instantly. In some cases, there was a failure of a number of other related electronic elements - light bulbs, mini-radio tape recorders, alarms, and so on. Without knowing which switch is installed on the scooter, owners are guaranteed to lose good money.

Before connecting a new switch to a scooter, it would be a good idea to first read the official manuals. In some cases, manufacturers provide information about installed switches on four-stroke scooters.

You can make the connection according to a special scheme, or you can do the work yourself, having previously photographed all the connector connection points. Attentiveness and slowness are the main factors determining the success of the work performed.

How to connect a switch in a four-stroke (video)

How to replace a switch on a Suzuki scooter (video)


Operating principle of the ignition system switch

The purpose of the switch in the ignition system is to control the voltage that passes through the signals coming from the ECU. When the crankshaft rotates, the distribution sensor creates pulses that are sent to the switch. It generates pulses in the ignition coil (primary electrical winding).

Then it appears in the secondary electrical winding. The voltage is supplied to the main distribution contact, then through the wiring it goes to the spark plugs, which form a spark.

When the crankshaft increases speed, the centripetal regulator takes control of adjusting the ignition timing. When the load on the power unit changes, this function is performed by the vacuum regulator. The use of transistors allows you to reduce the load on the breaker - the current strength, on the contrary, increases. This gives advanced systems a number of advantages:

  • the compression ratio increases;
  • the entire ignition system works longer;
  • the system can operate normally under heavy motor loads.

Main types of existing switches

Switches used in automotive technology are divided into the following types:

  • DC CDI type – with a high-voltage generator included in the circuit;
  • type AC CDI - a device that operates only in the presence of high voltage supplied from outside;
  • a type called "coil".

AC type

does not require constant voltage. Its design is quite simple, its dimensions are small, but connecting this type of device requires certain skills and experience.

Type DC

- the most common and often used in structures. Connecting such a switch is not difficult, since it is equipped with only four groups of contacts: standard minus and plus, as well as outputs for the coil and Hall sensor.

The design of the DC switch allows the device to be manufactured in various modifications:

  • with limitation of the maximum number of engine speeds;
  • with an option that allows you to change the existing ignition timing;
  • with a set of additional contacts for connecting other modules.

Reel-type switches

not yet widespread. In fact, they are a kind of tandem of a conventional ignition coil and the switch itself, without a Hall sensor. Their operating principle is to interrupt the electric current passing through the coil and high-voltage transformer.

Initially, the system had a number of disadvantages, such as rapid deterioration of the contact surface due to frequent spark production, electrochemical erosion processes, and poor fuel ignition. These shortcomings were eliminated or minimized by introducing high-voltage powerful transistors and ignition systems based on a non-contact operating principle into the device circuit.

What kind of switch can there be in a car?

Modern switches are efficient and reliable thanks to microprocessors. Now stores sell different models. All switches can be divided into:

  1. Transistor. They have contacts that can burn or simply wear out. This means that they have a short service life.
  2. Thyristor. They are similar to transistor ones, but have one difference - high voltage occurs in the capacitor. When the system is activated, the capacitor is connected to the coil winding. The next discharge produces a spark.
  3. Hybrid. There is a cam distributor here. The electronic part includes a commutator and a coil. It is a hybrid of electronics and mechanics. Due to electronic elements, this unit is more reliable and economical. The sensors here are replaced with cams, they are simply connected. The design is convenient - after all, when the switch fails, you can switch to the old coil. Then the cam ignition starts.
  4. Contactless are the most effective devices. Their parameters are much higher than those of other types of switches. With the beginning of the use of electronics, manufacturers began to abandon contacts - signals began to be transmitted from the Hall sensor.

The sensors played a role in improving the spark formation process - the interruptions stopped, the error in ignition of the fuel in the right cylinder decreased. The problem of the dependence of the advance angle on the engine speed remained, but it was also solved using a microcontroller system. The devices in which it is integrated receive a signal from the sensor at input X1. Here it is processed by a microcontroller that determines the moment of activation and deactivation of the coil.

By the way, contactless devices were first installed on Russian-made cars on the VAZ 2108.


Most often, a router is called a router (although the more correct transliteration is “router”). This device is designed to connect multiple networks of different architectures. This means that the router is capable of connecting your personal home network to the global network (Internet). Such interaction is the third (network) layer of the OSI model.

A special feature of the router is the ability to configure data transfer rules. Most often this is done using a special web interface, which is accessed through a browser.

Almost all residential Internet providers use a similar web interface to allow the user or administrator to configure the rules for the router

The security of this device is ensured by the presence of a built-in firewall, as well as data packet filtering. Another common additional feature is a wireless Wi-Fi hotspot.

A home router is often equipped with a wireless access point

Routers are used for more than just connecting to the Internet. Large companies often choose a router to reduce the load on the local network by dividing it into broadcast domains or collision domains.

Principle of operation

While a switch uses a switching table to identify hosts on a network, a router uses a routing table. It is more complex than its switch counterpart and contains data such as the address, destination network mask, gateway, interface and metrics of all devices on the network, including other routers. Using this table, the router is able to determine the shortest path for transmitting data from one network device (for example, a server of a website) to another (for example, your personal computer).

Routing (that is, defining node attributes in a table) can be dynamic or static. In everyday life, the first option is most often used - it is simple and does not require special network settings from the user. The router independently assigns dynamic IP addresses to connected devices using the DHCP protocol. The router itself receives an IP address from an external provider. Static routing allows you to clearly define addresses for each device on the network. This method is used to protect data packets and prevent them from being received by the “wrong” recipients.

A household router is equipped with several LAN ports and one WAN (Wide Area Network). A network cable from your provider is connected to the WAN port, providing Internet access. User computers are connected to LAN ports.

A household router, as a rule, is equipped with only one WAN port, through which the router communicates with the global network

Using the web interface, you can restrict Internet access to devices connected to specific LAN ports. However, these computers will still have access to the local network.

Switch repair and replacement

Sooner or later, like any mechanism, the ignition system switches also fail. And here it doesn’t matter at all what kind of breaker was installed on the car - these units, as a rule, cannot be repaired. Of course, if you have certain skills in electronics and radio engineering, then re-soldering a failed switch part will not be difficult at all.

But, as practice shows, it’s much less of a hassle to buy a new breaker and install it. The fact is that soldered switches are extremely unreliable and can fail at the most inopportune time.

Therefore, simple advice:

  • Repairing the ignition system switch is not an option, buy a new one!

Below are some tips on where and what switches are best to buy. Let's take as a basis a situation where a contactless switch is needed.


Structurally, the switch can be combined with an electronic engine control unit, and control signals from it are sent directly to the ignition coil.

If the design is such that the device is located separately, then it can be installed:

  • on the ignition distributor, like a VAZ;
  • in close proximity to the ignition coil;
  • separately on a metal surface for heat removal, for example, on a fender or partition under the hood, like a Ford;
  • near the electronic control unit and more.

For example, the Audi switch is located under the windshield in the engine compartment in a casing made of waterproof material. There are also connectors for diagnostic devices.

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