How should a driver behave behind a Residential Zone sign?


The definition of what is considered a residential zone according to the traffic rules is presented in clause 17.1.
Rules Based on the regulatory provisions of this paragraph, the territory designated by 2 signs of special regulations (more on them later) is recognized as such. The corresponding signs are installed, as a rule, in places where it is necessary to ensure additional traffic safety for pedestrians and limit the possible actions of drivers.

Usually these are residential areas of the city or areas adjacent to several apartment buildings.

Please note that clause 17.4. The rules equate all residential areas to courtyards. This means that it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Section 17 of the Rules not only if the corresponding signs 5.21 are detected. and 5.22., but also in general on the territory of all courtyards of apartment buildings.

The Rules do not establish a special sign to indicate the local area, so the driver should focus on indirect signs - for example, a change in surface from asphalt to dirt, the presence of children's playgrounds in the immediate vicinity, etc.

General rules for “Settlement” signs

Now it’s time to talk about how a car enthusiast should behave when he finds himself in the yard, and what restrictions apply to him.


Information on how to behave in the courtyard of a multi-storey building is described in paragraph number 17 of the code of traffic rules. It is worth noting that in this section you will not find a detailed description of what can be considered a residential area and what cannot. Therefore, we will rely on the existence of special signs and by this term we will understand the space designated by these marks.


The rules of behavior in the yard come down to several prohibitions. They relate to the speed limit of the car, methods of stopping and parking, methods of routing and other driver manipulations.

Now let’s take a closer look at what the “Residential Zone” sign prohibits.

  • First of all, it is worth noting that after driving into the area indicated by the corresponding sign, the driver will have to come to terms with the fact that a pedestrian has the right of way on the road.

You cannot rush a person walking along the roadway. And, of course, you cannot sound a sound signal in the yard (especially since in the city it is completely prohibited, except in cases of preventing road accidents).

  • Even if there are no people nearby, you can drive around the yard no faster than 20 kilometers per hour.
  • It is strictly prohibited to drive through the yard. That is, those “resourceful” drivers who are accustomed to avoiding traffic jams regularly violate traffic rules.

But this point has a small “loophole”. The fact is that if you stop in the courtyard through which you are passing for three minutes, then your movement will no longer be considered a through passage.

  • It is highly undesirable to maneuver in such areas. For example, turning around or driving in reverse.
  • Training vehicles are not allowed in the yard.
  • You cannot park there with the engine running. Therefore, if you stop your car for more than five minutes in a residential area, hurry to turn off the engine.
  • Most often, trucks weighing more than 3.5 tons are prohibited from entering yards. These are cars of category C. However, sometimes special signs are installed at the entrance to the yard, which indicate that such cars can pass.

Let us make a reservation that such a restriction does not apply in any way to vehicles intended for the work and movement of public utilities.

  • This section of the rules does not say anything about parking on the lawn. However, this requirement is described in another section. We remind you that the rules prohibit parking on the lawn and driving onto the curb.

In a residential area, you can drive at a speed of no more than 20 km/h.
The road along which you leave the described area is always considered a secondary one. Therefore, when turning out from there, you need to give priority to other road users.

If there is a continuous marking line, crossing it is prohibited. Even if you need to turn left, you will have to first steer to the right, and then wait for the area where the solid line breaks, and only then turn into the desired lane.


Now let's talk about what you can pay for not complying with the requirements described above.

  • Monetary fines. You can “get off” with a fine for the following violations: through passage, parking on the lawn or playground, failure to comply with the rules for entering or leaving the territory, parking with the engine running, speeding by 20–60 kilometers per hour. The amount of the fine for such violations depends on the region in which non-compliance with the rules was registered.
  • Revocation of driver's license. You can lose your driver's license if you exceed the speed limit by more than 60 kilometers per hour. However, in a rare yard you can accelerate to 80 kilometers per hour or higher.

Let us note that many people neglect not only fulfilling, but also studying these requirements. Such people know that traffic police officers and representatives of the road safety inspection very rarely look into residential areas. This fact gives some drivers a false sense of impunity.

However, we note that not only law enforcement officers, but also ordinary citizens who witnessed the incident can convict a driver of a violation. To do this, they will only need to capture your car at the time of the violation (and thanks to mobile phone cameras and video recorders, this has become very easy to do) and send the media file along with a comment to the traffic police.

This is everything a driver needs to know about residential areas.

Finally, let us remind you that every time you leave the interior of your car, you become an ordinary pedestrian who probably lives in a simple multi-story building. Therefore, be tolerant and polite with other people and do not behave in their yards in a way that you would not behave in yours.

The beginning of the sign.

The sign is installed at the beginning of the residential area.

Begins to operate from the place where the sign is installed.

End of the sign.

The sign's coverage area ends with the installation of the sign

Special conditions

The sign informs about the direction of movement on the intersecting roadway and is not mandatory; you can drive straight if other signs allow or do not prohibit it.


According to the traffic rules, article 5.22 of the traffic rules:

  • driving at a speed of no more than 20 km/h;
  • through traffic;
  • training ride;
  • parking with the engine running;
  • parking of trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons outside specially designated areas and marked with signs and (or) markings

Who does the sign not apply to?

The sign applies to all vehicles.

Traffic rules for pedestrians and motorists in residential areas and courtyards are presented in the same Section 17 of the Rules.

For cars

There are 2 basic rules for motorists:

  1. Giving priority to other road users when leaving a residential area (details below).
  2. Giving priority to pedestrians in residential areas in all cases.

As stated in paragraph 17.1. The rules state that pedestrians, when within a residential area, have the right to move both on sidewalks and directly along the roadway.

This is the main difference between a residential area and ordinary public roads with sidewalks and roadsides - there pedestrians can move exclusively on sidewalks, footpaths, and in their absence - along the sides (clause 4.1 of the Rules).

You can see what “Give way” means in paragraph 1.2. Rules It says this means not to start, resume, continue or make any maneuver if it would force the pedestrian to change direction or speed.

For pedestrians

Section 17 of the Rules establishes 1 basic requirement for pedestrians. It lies in the fact that pedestrians should not create unreasonable interference with the movement of vehicles in a residential area.

Please note that some of the rules of Section 4 of the Rules may also apply to courtyard areas and residential areas.

For example, ab. 4 clause 4.1. The rules stipulate that in the dark or when there is insufficient visibility within the city, walking citizens are recommended to wear reflective clothing.

This recommendation is also quite valid for a residential area - after all, it can be quite problematic for a driver, even moving at a speed not exceeding 20 km/h, to notice a dark silhouette in foggy conditions.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the Working Instructions definition

Where stopping is prohibited by traffic regulations is shown in the article:

stopping is prohibited according to traffic rules


Read the definition of a traffic controller here.

Signs installed in front of cities and towns rarely correspond to geographical boundaries. The traffic rules state that the concept of “settled area” means a territory built up with residential buildings (clause 1.2 of the traffic rules). Entry and exit to areas inhabited by people is indicated by signs.

The purpose of their installation is to inform motorists about entering a zone where a different speed limit applies. Signs with the names of settlements are used by drivers as a guide to choosing the direction of travel.

Information and directional signs are installed to notify pedestrians and motorists about the geographical location and the presence of public facilities.

Signs are installed at all entrances and exits in pairs on opposite sides of the road. The signs marking the end of the populated area are crossed out with a red diagonal stripe.

Based on the provisions of the traffic rules, in areas populated by people, vehicles can travel at a speed of no more than 60 km per hour. For certain categories of vehicles, the rules stipulate a lower threshold of restrictions.

Table 1 - Permitted speed limit in the settlement territory and on the open highway

In order not to violate traffic regulations, the driver needs to understand the difference between a plate with a white background and a blue sign.

Signs “Beginning of a populated area” are classified as a special requirement because they perform two functions:

  1. They inform you when you are approaching a settlement or city.
  2. Drivers are required to switch to a different speed limit.

The dimensions of the metal plates on which the names of settlements are written are regulated by GOST R 52290-2004.

Signs on white background

It’s easy to recognize the “Beginning of a Settlement” sign. It stands in front of every settlement through which the highway passes. Every driver saw metal plates mounted on poles or arches, on a white background of which the name of the city or village was written.

At the end of the section of the path that runs through a populated area, there is a similar sign with a red stripe diagonally. This is how they indicate the place where the end of the residential area is located. Having passed the double sign indicating the outskirts of the city, the driver can safely pick up speed.

In some cases, instead of the usual black inscriptions with the name of the city (village), on a white background there may be a sign with drawn close-fitting outlines of buildings. The image performs the same function as a regular inscription. The plate is installed in pairs with a similar sign with a red stripe.

What does the “Residential zone” sign mean?

In a broad sense, a residential zone is an area used to house houses, as well as utility and social facilities, vehicle parking, healthcare facilities, education, garages and other buildings associated with the habitation of citizens. This also includes courtyard areas, including playgrounds, plantings and other objects.

As for the Traffic Rules, here the residential zone is interpreted as a specially arranged territory, whose boundaries are indicated by appropriate signs. In particular, the sign “Residential zone” 5.21, marking the entrance to its boundaries and 5.22, which means leaving the zone.

Pedestrians have an advantage in moving around a residential area; they are allowed to move freely not only along the sidewalks but also along the entire roadway.

In cities, the installation of a “Residential zone” sign is quite rare, therefore, by default, the boundaries of such a territory are usually attributed to the zones of residential buildings and their courtyards, including driveways to houses, kindergartens, and schools. The procedure for driving near objects intended for human habitation is strictly regulated by section of traffic rules No. 17. The chapter covers the rules that must be observed by the driver of each vehicle.

Pedestrians have an advantage in moving around a residential area, who are allowed to move freely not only on the sidewalks, but also along the entire roadway located within the boundaries of the designated area. In this case, the driver has no right to create any interference with citizens.

A similar rule applies to cyclists, to whom vehicle owners are required to give way. In turn, citizens do not have the right to deliberately delay transport, for example, by standing on the roadway in order to smoke a cigarette or talk on the phone.

In a residential area it is prohibited:

  • parking a car with the engine running for more than 5 minutes; through traffic. In other words, you cannot drive directly through a residential area, but if the driver stops for 2-3 minutes, no violation will follow;
  • maneuvering: turns, reversing are permissible in extreme situations, for example, when entering a dead end;
  • parking of cargo vehicles with a maximum permissible load weight of more than 3.5 tons, excluding places specially prepared for this. However, the rule does not apply to emergency and public service vehicles, as well as vehicles with a special plate;
  • training ride.

The most common violation is parking a car on lawns, flower beds, or within playgrounds, which is also prohibited. Vehicles should be placed in specially designed places.

In addition, car owners are required to comply with the following standards:

  • the speed of movement should not exceed the threshold of 20 km/h;
  • at the entrance or exit beyond the residential zone, the driver of the car is obliged to stop and give way to other traffic participants - cars passing along the main road, pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists;
  • When leaving, it is unacceptable to cross a solid line, if there is one, and turns can only be made to the right.

Sign area

The coverage area of ​​the “Beginning of a settlement” sign ends beyond the point where the sign indicating the exit from the settlement territory is installed.

Immediately after a motorist has passed a sign with the name of a city or village crossed out in red, he can speed up to the speed limit of 90 km per hour on the highway.

Steles and pedestals with the name of the city are not a sign that removes restrictions. Their location may not coincide with the position of information signs.

5.21marks the beginning of the territory in which drivers and pedestrians are required to comply with the requirements of Section 17 of the Rules
5.22indicates the end of the residential zone and, accordingly, the end of all restrictions imposed by Section 17 of the Rules

Differences between the residential area and the courtyard area

Let's first look at the difference between a residential area and a courtyard area, so that no questions arise about this in the future.

However, this does not mean that the concepts mean the same thing.

However, the “Yard Territory” sign does not exist. By the way, the concept of courtyard territory is not defined at all in the traffic rules. It remains to be assumed that legislators mean by courtyard areas areas of land directly adjacent to residential buildings and located between them.

So it would be wrong to assume that the residential area and the courtyard area are different names for the same object.

In practice, you can find any of three options:

  • The boundaries of the residential area and the courtyard area coincide.
  • The residential area is part of the courtyard area.
  • The courtyard area is part of the residential area.

So, as noted above, the rules of Section 17 apply to both courtyard areas and residential areas. As for points from other sections of the rules, they apply only to the territory that is directly indicated in the selected point.

By the way, in 2020, “Residential zone” signs are quite popular. However, 8 - 10 years ago they were a big curiosity in Russia, so drivers were mainly interested in the rules for the courtyard area.

What is a “residential zone” (hereinafter referred to as ZZ)? The traffic rules do not define the concept of a residential zone in its pure form. But the driver can independently – within the framework of interpretation of the law – give a concept to this section. Thus, clause 17.1 of the traffic rules states that a residential zone is a territory that has a “Residential zone” sign (5.21) at its entrance, and a “End of residential zone” sign (5.22) at its exits.

Thus, ZhZ is an undeveloped area with compact living and high population density. This is an area at the entrance to which there is a sign of the same name. Accordingly, the end of the ZhZ is the place where the sign of the same name is installed. Very often, both of these signs are placed on the same support, with the images facing opposite to each other.

Section 17 of the traffic rules is entirely devoted to the movement of vehicles in residential areas. What requirements are imposed on the driver when driving through such areas?

1. The maximum permissible speed in a residential area is 20 km/h. The motivation for such a restriction is clear: in a residential area there is heavy traffic of pedestrians (especially minors). High speed here is a prerequisite for hitting pedestrians.

3. In ZhZ, pedestrians have priority in traffic, and vehicle drivers are required to give way to them. Everything is logical, but, however, there is only one exception. Pedestrians do not have the right to create unreasonable interference with vehicles.

For example, if children draw with chalk on the asphalt, then when a car approaches, they must give the driver the opportunity to pass.

The Housing Code introduces a number of restrictions and prohibitions. This is done to ensure maximum safety (especially for pedestrians).

Unfortunately, traffic regulations do not define the concept of through traffic. But, applying the principles of interpretation of law, we can say that it is a movement through the life of law without stopping and without the intention of having the goal of movement specifically in the life of life. Most often, the purpose of through traffic is the desire to shorten the route, the reluctance to participate in a traffic jam or congestion, etc.

The motive here is clear: an inexperienced driver (not even a driver yet, according to traffic regulations) in a residential area may not orient himself in time and cause harm to both pedestrians and vehicles parked closely in courtyard parking lots.

This is an important environmental issue. The favorable human habitat is disturbed by the smell of burning, fuel and lubricants, etc. Therefore, the legislator has limited parking.

Question. Winter is coming and drivers will be faced with the problem of having to warm up the engine in severe frost. What to do if parking with the engine running is prohibited? How to combine two needs:

  1. Do not ruin the power unit, which can “knock” after starting to move without warming up.
  2. Don't break traffic rules.

It's simple. The rules prohibit PARKING the vehicle, not stopping. Therefore, to warm up the engine, the driver has at least a 5-minute head start to bring the engine temperature to operating temperature and then start driving.

This restriction applies to parking of category C trucks. The requirement is explained:

  • on the one hand, the large dimensions of such vehicles;
  • on the other hand, the limited space in the residential area, which is not enough even for numerous passenger cars belonging to citizens living in the residential area.

Consequently, for parking heavy trucks, the residential area is equipped with a special area equipped with markings or signs.

Whenever leaving a residential area, the driver must understand that he is about to start moving along the road. And to do this, you must first, after making sure that the upcoming maneuver is safe, give way to other road users.

The presence or absence of STOP or Give Way signs does not change the situation: the driver must give way not only to the vehicle, but also to pedestrians whose path he is crossing.

The question is fundamental, since in such a case the regulatory functions of traffic rules in a residential area are significantly expanded. The rules do not provide a direct answer to this question. However, using the analogy of law and the principles of interpretation of legal norms, we can come to the conclusion that the ZhZ is a typical adjacent territory.

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What are the arguments in favor of this position?

  1. The adjacent territory is defined by the Rules as follows: this is the territory that is adjacent to the road and is not intended for through traffic. ZhZ has the same limitation.
  2. When leaving the adjacent territory (Section 8 of the Traffic Regulations), the driver is obliged to give way to other road users. This requirement completely repeats the requirements for leaving the residential area.
  3. The rules give examples of adjacent areas: parking lots, gas stations, courtyards, residential complexes, etc.). In such areas, almost all the requirements prescribed by the Housing Code apply. In addition, the adjacent territory category includes residential complexes.

Therefore, it can be said with a high degree of probability that this legal conflict is resolved within the framework of interpretation of the law.

What about the yard area?

It is the same residential area, where traffic rules also apply.

In courtyard areas, pedestrians can move along the entire width of the road, and drivers must give way to them.

It is prohibited here (we note again):

  • through traffic;
  • parking with the power unit running;
  • training ride;
  • parking of “real” freight vehicles outside a special area marked with markings/signs.

In addition, when leaving the yard, the driver gives way to those vehicles that are already moving along this road.

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation does not specifically highlight penalties for incorrect actions in a residential area (especially through traffic). But, according to the code, punishment is provided in the form of an administrative fine of 500 rubles.

Features of driving in residential and yard areas

Yards in the traffic rules are defined by the “adjacent territory”, and not by the road. Many drivers believe that the rules that apply on the roads do not apply to such territory. But they are greatly mistaken. If the local area has signs at the entrance and exit, this only means that in such an area pedestrians are a priority and the maximum permitted speed is no more than twenty kilometers per hour.

Also, through traffic is prohibited in such an area and several parking rules apply. When leaving yards, the driver must give way to pedestrians and other vehicles. Otherwise, you need to adhere to the traffic rules, since their effect does not cease even in the courtyard area.

When leaving, the one on whose side there is an obstacle must give way. When driving downhill, the one going downhill must yield.

That is, if there is an obstacle in front of the car in the form of a parked car, and another vehicle is moving towards the meeting, then it is the one that has the obstacle in front that should let through.

It will be possible to start driving only after the oncoming car has passed.

In courtyards, it’s not uncommon to see a situation where cars are parked on both sides. In this case, common sense comes into force.

Drivers respect each other and most often understand which of them is easiest to swerve and let the car pass.

Such an understanding between the driver allows for movement in the yard area without difficulty and without conflicts, and to quickly resolve such controversial situations.

The main thing to remember is that the speed in a residential area should be no more than twenty kilometers and the main participant in traffic in such an area is the pedestrian. Good attitude of drivers towards each other helps to give in to each other and “pass each other” without problems even in the most difficult areas in the yard.

Do not forget about the basic rules of the road, since in the courtyard they continue to apply and for non-compliance with the rules a fine may be issued, no matter where it was violated, on the highway or in the courtyards of apartment buildings.

To begin with, let’s slightly refresh the definition of a residential zone given in the traffic rules and how everything works there. Chapter 17, clause 17.1. The traffic rules read: “In a residential area, that is, in an area whose entrances and exits are marked with signs 5.

21 and 5.22, pedestrian movement is permitted both on sidewalks and on the roadway. In residential areas, pedestrians have the right of way, but they must not unreasonably interfere with vehicular traffic.

It would seem that everything is simple) There is a sign - you follow the rules, let pedestrians, mothers with strollers, pensioners carrying home their pensions, schoolchildren coming from school pass.

However, no, Russian drivers, either due to forgetfulness, or due to purchased licenses, or due to indifference and their importance, or due to a lack of knowledge among pedestrians, almost do not follow traffic rules in residential areas.

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There are attentive drivers who let drivers pass, of course, but their percentage is very small (are you attentive?). Personally, as a pedestrian, I was almost never allowed to pass.

If you ask me whether I obey the speed limit or whether I allow pedestrians to pass in a residential area and in general, then I will answer you - Yes! Both the first and the second. To be on the safe side, I drive even slower than the speed limit, since we all know cases of people and animals appearing on the road out of nowhere.

Another feature of our state is that residential zone signs are sometimes simply not installed in areas that clearly fit this concept. And as practice shows, this happens everywhere.

Consequently, if there is no sign, then from a legal point of view, the driver has the right to drive around the places that purely theoretically fall under this concept as he wants, and in the event of any accidents with pedestrians, Vladimir Putin forbid, he will be right.

It is no coincidence that there is an opinion among drivers that the rules of movement in residential areas apply only when at the entrance to such an area there is a corresponding sign with a house and people on a blue background.

Adding fuel to the fire are local authorities who are in no hurry to install signs.

However, there is a diametrically opposite opinion that the rules must be observed in all intra-block driveways and courtyards, even in the absence of residential zone signs.

The “Residential Zone” sign (Traffic Regulations 5.20) is a blue or light blue rectangular sign. It depicts exactly what is associated with a residential area: a house, a person crossing the road, a child playing with a ball and a car. Due to precise associations, you will easily remember the sign indicating a residential area and will not confuse it with any other.

What does this road sign mean? It informs the driver that ahead is a specially developed area in which certain traffic rules apply, as defined in the Russian Town Planning Code.

The next question that appears to the driver when he sees this sign is the maximum speed on such terrain. And for good reason. As soon as you see the familiar blue rectangle, immediately slow down to 20 km/h.

This is the maximum speed for moving through residential areas.

It is important to know where pedestrians can move in a residential area. In such a case, they have an advantage over the drivers: they must yield to them. Similar rules govern traffic in residential areas along the entire width of the road. At the same time, the traffic rules state that pedestrians are strictly prohibited from intentionally interfering with the passage of cars.

  1. The passage of training vehicles is prohibited. Any vehicle marked with a “U” sticker is subject to a fine.
  2. Pass-through travel through residential areas, namely private areas, is prohibited. Including through traffic in order to shorten the route or from any other route.
  3. It is prohibited to use private areas for turns or maneuvers.
  4. Any fragment of a residential area is not permitted to be used as a parking lot for category C vehicles (vehicles weighing more than 3 tons).
  5. You cannot leave a car with the engine running.
  6. You cannot drive through residential areas at a speed of more than 20 km/h.
  7. It is prohibited to violate general traffic rules.

All of these prohibitions apply from the “Residential Zone” sign until you pass the “End of Residential Zone” sign. It is this that marks the end of the special rules. It shows the same image, only crossed out with a red line diagonally. If you violate one of the listed rules within the scope of the sign, you face a fine of 1,500 to 3,000 rubles (up to 5,000 rubles for parking on a lawn).

In addition to clear prohibitions, there are other rules for movement in a residential area. It is also important to know and adhere to them so as not to incur a fine, order, simple grievance, or even a lawsuit.

  1. When leaving a residential area, give way to all other road users (pedestrians, motorists, cyclists), regardless of which direction they are going.
  2. Don’t forget to pay attention to the traffic lights that are installed, because sometimes the “Residential Zone” covers entire villages and areas.
  3. Park your car only in places (parking lots) that are actually designated for this purpose, because the fines for parking on lawns in a residential area are even higher than in regular areas.
  4. When leaving such an area, do not forget that continuous markings, like parallel lines in geometry, should not be crossed by your car.
  5. Be extremely careful on the road, because within the range of the sign, quite common road users are children.
  6. Even if you are going to bring home a cabinet or a gas stove, remember that you will face a fine if the cargo transport stands near the house for more than 5 minutes.

Do not forget about the speed limit, because for violating this rule in a residential area there are also special penalties. Remember, that:

  • speeding up to 60 km/h will result in a fine;
  • Exceeding the speed of more than 80 km/h can lead to the driver being deprived of a document giving the right to drive a vehicle.

The residential area is a special transport area that requires appropriate treatment. These are far from unnecessary precautions, because being a pedestrian or a driver, every person would like to be able to move around the city calmly.

When leaving a residential area, you must give way to all traffic participants. But that’s not all you need to remember when you see a sign in front of you announcing the completion of a residential area.

Once you have passed the indicated traffic symbol, you still cannot exceed the speed of 20 km/h. This carries the same fine as within a residential area.

When leaving a residential area, follow several rules that are not specified in the traffic rules, but will seriously help you.

  1. Patience. Don’t rush, because life (both yours and others), wallet and driver’s license are definitely more valuable than a couple of minutes of your time.
  2. Keep calm. If they don’t give in to you, give in yourself, take care of the safety of yourself and those around you.
  3. Be polite. Even if you are very unhappy that you are forced to drive at low speed and give way to other road users.

Wait for the sign indicating the speed limit, then proceed according to its meaning. After this, you can move freely further, in accordance with the rules of the road.

Rules for moving through a residential area exist not only for drivers, but also for pedestrians. It is people on foot who are the most vulnerable road users, and, undoubtedly, should not forget about its rules along with drivers. If you are a participant in traffic in a residential area, you should remember certain recommendations.

  1. Do not interfere with the movement of cars on the roadway unless absolutely necessary.
  2. Use sidewalks whenever possible.
  3. Pay attention to traffic lights, use pedestrian crossings.
  4. Be vigilant in bad weather (fog, ice, heavy rain, slippery roads or poor visibility): even at low speed in such conditions, the driver may not notice you in time and may not have time to brake.
  5. Be polite and calmly cross the road.
  6. Supervise small children crossing the road.

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Travel Features

What is prohibited for vehicles in a residential area

Here is a list of prohibitions that are established by the Rules regarding the movement of vehicles in residential areas:

  1. No through traffic is permitted in residential areas. Through traffic refers to the use of a residential zone for the purpose of travel to objects located outside this zone. For example, you cannot drive around a traffic jam that has formed on a public road through a residential area, etc.
  2. Training driving is prohibited. Driving instructors are required to ensure that driving lessons are not carried out on highways (clause 16.1 of the Rules), in residential areas and in other areas where this is prohibited.
  3. You cannot stand with a car engine running. In clause 17.2. The rules clearly state that in residential areas and, accordingly, adjacent areas, you cannot stand with the engine running. The ban applies specifically to parking, that is, as stated in paragraph 1.2. Rules for intentionally stopping the movement of a vehicle for a period of more than 5 minutes. In this case, an exception is provided - if it is necessary to board or disembark citizens, or to load or unload a vehicle, and this procedure will last, although it will last more than 5 minutes, but there will be no violation of the Rules.
  4. Parking of trucks weighing more than 3500 kg outside the designated areas is not permitted.

What the sign prohibits

If you drive your car into a residential area, then get ready for quite tough and strict prohibitions. The following cannot be done here:

  • learn to drive;
  • overtake;
  • perform a through drive to get around a traffic jam;
  • stop without turning off the engine;
  • exceed the speed;
  • park a category C car;
  • drive onto the lawn;
  • play music loudly;
  • violate other traffic rules;
  • disrupt public order, etc.

A lot of controversy arises regarding truck parking, since they are sometimes needed in residential buildings to remove furniture, load or unload something, carry out repair work, etc.

Therefore, a number of amendments were made to the rule. This allows Category C vehicles to stop in residential areas if they have a special permit, a placard or are part of a service.

According to the rules on residential zones, certain restrictions apply here. Moreover, their list is quite impressive.

  • You cannot drive at a speed exceeding 20 km/h;
  • Traffic priority is always on the side of pedestrians and cyclists;
  • It is prohibited to use the yard as a pass-through area when it is not necessary;
  • There are restrictions on U-turns that can be made;
  • If there is an intersection inside the zone, pedestrians are allowed through first, and only then other cars in accordance with traffic regulations;
  • Restrictions also apply to driving in reverse gear;
  • It is highly undesirable to perform any dangerous maneuvers and not observe the principle of interference on the right.

Parking and parking

The rules also regulate special conditions for parking and parking inside courtyards and residential areas.

As we said earlier, passenger cars, as well as trucks that weigh less than 3.5 tons (for example, small Gazelles), are allowed to stop in residential areas.

A stop means a cessation of movement for a period of less than 5 minutes, or for any time if the stop is related to the embarkation or disembarkation of citizens, or the loading or unloading of a vehicle.

Otherwise, no special rules have been established; accordingly, the general provisions of the Rules, regulated by Section 12, apply.

For freight

Trucks weighing over 3500 kg are not prohibited from stopping - they are prohibited from standing (that is, stopping movement for more than 5 minutes, if this is not related to boarding/disembarking/loading/loading).

Otherwise, the same rules apply to trucks as to cars (you need to give way to pedestrians everywhere within a residential area, when leaving it - give way to all other road users, do not drive more than 20 km/h, etc.) .

Let's consider the points of the rules regulating parking in the courtyards of residential buildings. Naturally, the same traffic rules apply in courtyard areas as on a regular road, but there are some peculiarities:

  • Parking with the engine running is prohibited.
  • Parking of trucks is prohibited.

Parking with the engine running is prohibited in residential areas and yard areas. The article “Differences between the concepts of stopping and parking” discusses in detail the signs of stopping. Here I just want to remind you that if the vehicle does not move for more than 5 minutes and there are no passengers boarding or cargo unloading, then it is parking.

Please note that if in the cold season the driver warms up the car for 5 minutes or more, then he violates the requirements of the rules and may receive a traffic police fine, which will be discussed below.

Parking rules in yards prohibit the parking of trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons, i.e. cars of category C, outside specially designated areas (marked by road signs or markings).

Please note that it is also prohibited to park a car in the courtyard area or on the lawn. The fine for parking on the lawn depends on the region of the Russian Federation and can be quite large (several thousand rubles).

Residential area - special parking requirements

In addition to the above features, the Residential Zone traffic sign also requires compliance with special conditions regarding car parking. It should be said right away that there are places where parking of vehicles is strictly prohibited. These include:

  • lawns and flower beds;
  • any areas that are not even fenced, where there are green spaces;
  • children's playgrounds.

In case of violation of this requirement, the law provides for a very serious fine - up to 5,000 rubles, and if the violating car belongs to a legal entity, the amount increases to 100,000 rubles. Many motorists also do not know that they cannot leave a car in a residential area with the engine running for more than five minutes. Thus, car owners who warm up the engine in winter beyond this time can be fined up to 3,500 rubles.

Special requirements are also noted for trucks belonging to category “C” - even if the car’s engine is turned off, leaving the truck in a residential area for more than five minutes is not allowed. This applies even to those vehicles that are unloaded, for example, when transporting furniture. Exceptions to such a strict rule are allowed, but only if a special area for parking trucks is allocated in the local area, equipped with appropriate signs and markings.

Fines for driving in residential areas

The maximum speed in a residential area or in a yard is currently 20 km/h (clause 10.2 of the traffic rules).

At the same time, fines for speeding in a courtyard area do not differ from fines for other places.

For example, driving around the yard at a speed of 80 km/h will lead to deprivation of your license.

The size of the fine for speeding depends on how much the driver exceeded the permissible speed, and can range from 500 rubles to deprivation of rights for 12 months.

As for the fine for other violations committed on the courtyard territory, it is currently 1,500 rubles for all regions except Moscow and St. Petersburg (3,000 rubles) (Article 12.28 of the Administrative Code).

By the way, if you have unpaid traffic fines, I recommend paying fines online without a fee.

Good luck on the roads!

As follows from clause 10.2. The rules state that in populated areas, motorists can drive at a speed of no more than 60 km/h.

Of course, the presented restriction applies if there is no prohibiting indicator 3.24. If there is such a sign, the citizen must drive at a speed no higher than that indicated on the sign.

But for a residential area this general rule does not apply. The same clause 10.2. The rules stipulate that in a residential area, the speed of cars should not exceed 20 km/h.

For example, clause 10.1. indicates that the motorist is obliged to drive the car at a speed that takes into account the condition of the vehicle, cargo, road and weather conditions, visibility, etc.

In this case, the selected speed limit must comply with the possibility of constant monitoring of vehicle movement in order to comply with the requirements of the Rules.

For example, if there is heavy rain or fog outside, in a residential area you need to move at a much lower speed than the maximum allowed by the Rules.

Residential zone sign: what drivers need to know

The residential area is primarily a road, as it has sidewalks and a roadway. As for the yard area, it means the area directly adjacent to the house, on which there is no road or sidewalks.

A limited area is considered residential, which is marked on both sides with appropriate signs. The traffic rules now have a whole section dedicated to driving through such territories. In this area, a pedestrian has an advantage over absolutely any vehicle.

The courtyard area can be part of a residential area. And vice versa: the latter may be part of the courtyard area. As for traffic rules, the concept of courtyard territory is not deciphered there at all. Therefore, you should follow the same rules that apply to residential areas.

When moving out of a residential area, the driver must give way to pedestrians

He can walk both on the sidewalks and on the road itself, so the speed at the “Residential zone” sign should be reduced to 20 km/h. The pedestrian has an undeniable advantage over the driver, who must give way to him. True, a pedestrian also needs to be alert - there is no point in deliberately creating an obstacle in the path of a car. Even without a "Cycling" sign in this area, cyclists also have additional benefits.

Within the residential area, the same traffic rules apply as elsewhere. But others are added to them:

  • Motorists are prohibited from leaving their car in a parking lot with the engine running. The engine must be turned off immediately if the vehicle is stationary for more than 5 minutes;
  • a strict ban has been imposed on stopping and parking a car on the lawn;
  • through traffic is strictly prohibited;
  • training driving is prohibited;
  • Parking of trucks weighing more than 3.5 tons is prohibited. There are special parking lots with marked spots for them;
  • when moving out of this territory, the driver must give way to other vehicles;
  • Maneuvering according to traffic rules is carried out only in cases of extreme necessity.

Exceeding the speed limit under this sign is fraught not only with a fine (500 rubles, a small loss), but also with deprivation of the driver’s license for a year.

Leaving the yard or residential area

In clause 17.3. The rules state that when leaving a residential or yard area, a motorist is obliged to give way to other participants in motor traffic.

The direction in which other participants are moving does not matter - the motorist will have to yield in any case.

No special rules have been established regarding entry, that is, immediately after the sign, the provisions of Section 17 of the Rules will begin to apply - pedestrians will gain priority in traffic, and the speed should be reduced to 20 km/h.

Of course, when entering a residential area, you must be guided by the general rules of the Rules on Maneuvering.

For example, if you plan to leave the road into a residential area located on the right, you must change to the right lane and turn on the right turn signal in advance.

There are special requirements regarding leaving the yard or residential area. When leaving the courtyard area, the driver must give way to all road users.

It does not matter in which direction pedestrians and vehicles are moving, all of them should not interfere.

Where is it installed?

The “Residential Zone” sign 5.21 indicates the entrance to a residential area, and the “End of the Residential Zone” 5.22 (crossed out) indicates the exit. Accordingly, 5.21 is located at the entrance to the residential area with social and utility buildings, and 5.22 is located at the exit from this zone. Despite the fact that most of these territories are not marked with this sign, a special procedure for organizing and implementing road traffic operates on their territory. The residential zone may include residential areas, as well as adjacent sports, social and other infrastructure, vegetation, playgrounds, gardens, parks, squares, alleys, etc.

When leaving a residential area, drivers must give way to other road users.

First of all, 5.21 provides the benefits of using road infrastructure to pedestrians: they are allowed to move freely both on sidewalks and pedestrian paths, and along the roadway. In this regard, a number of the following prohibitions apply to motorists:

  • through traffic;
  • maneuvering;
  • training ride.

Coverage area

The coverage area is formally considered to be the space limited on one side by signs 5.21 and 5.22 on the other. However, as mentioned earlier, not all residential areas are marked with a sign. However, a similar order is defined for moving within them. Thus, the absence of a sign on the territory of private residential development and social institutions is not a reason for non-compliance with the special traffic regime, which implies a number of prohibitions and restrictions.

“A residential area is a specially developed area where special traffic regulations apply. Entrances and exits are marked respectively with signs 5.21 and 5.22" (Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation)

If 5.21 and 5.22 are not installed in the yard and adjacent area, then there is usually a sign with a speed limit of 3.29 to 20 or 5 km/h

Pedestrian priority

When moving through the courtyard area, pedestrians can move not only on sidewalks, but also on the roadway. Pedestrians have priority, i.e. Drivers in residential areas must give way to pedestrians.

At the same time, pedestrians should not create unreasonable interference with cars, for example, smoking in the middle of a narrow roadway when a fire truck with special signals is trying to enter the yard.

Well, the last rule, relating to residential areas and courtyards, prohibits practice driving.

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What should the speed be?

In areas where the “Residential Zone” sign is in effect, priority is given to pedestrians rather than drivers. In this case, people can move freely not only on the sidewalk, but also on other sections of the road, and motorists are obliged to give way to them.

To avoid accidents in residential areas, drivers are required to adhere to the speed limit. According to the traffic rules, paragraph 10.2 sets out restrictions for drivers driving in the courtyard area. The maximum driving speed should not exceed 20 km/h.

That is, if a vehicle is moving in the yard, and the speedometer shows 80 km/h, then the person can be deprived of his driver’s license and a large fine.

You can avoid all unpleasant situations and keep your driver’s license if you follow the rules prescribed by traffic rules in Russia.

Responsibility for violations

Liability for violations committed in residential areas or courtyard areas is regulated by various articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Code, AK).

The main article is 12.28, which contains 2 parts. This article defines a single type of punishment in the form of an administrative fine, the amount of which varies depending on the location of the offense - a city of federal significance or any other subject of the Russian Federation.

So, in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 12.28. AK, if a driver violates the traffic rules in a residential area specified in Section 17 of the Rules, he will face a fine in fixed monetary terms - 1,500 rubles.

The same violation, but committed in a city of federal significance - Moscow or St. Petersburg, will entail the imposition of a fine twice as large - 3,000 rubles.


  • According to the commentary to the presented article, the subjects of the offense are vehicle drivers, which means that, for example, pedestrians who create unreasonable interference with vehicles within a residential area will not be punished under Art. 12.28, and according to Part 1 of Art. 12.30 AK, however, it was not possible to find official confirmation of this statement in official sources;
  • attraction under Art. 12.28 AK is carried out regardless of the type of violation - that is, it does not matter whether the driver was standing with the engine running or did not give the right of way to a pedestrian - the fine will still be 1,500 rubles (or 3,000 for Moscow or St. Petersburg);
  • on the basis of paragraph 5 and paragraph 6 of Part 2 of Art. 23.3 AK, consider cases under Art. 12.28 AK is entitled to the head of the traffic police, his deputy, the head of TsAFAP, his deputy, the commander of the traffic police regiment, his deputy, as well as a traffic police officer with a special rank;
  • in accordance with Part 1.3. Art. 32.2 AK, an offense, the composition of which is provided for by the provisions of Art. 12.28 is not included in the list of exceptions; accordingly, the fine under Part 1 and Part 2 of Art. 12.28 can be paid with a 50% discount if payment is made within 20 days after the order is issued;
  • Art. 12.28 regulates sanctions specifically for violating the provisions of Section 17 of the Rules, but since the speed of 20 km/h is stated in Section 10, sanctions for exceeding this speed limit will be imposed under Art. 12.9. AK;
  • from September 1, 2013, the monetary penalty for exceeding the speed limit by 10 km/h was abolished - now they are fined if the speed was increased by more than 20 km/h, respectively, the “non-fineable” excess in a residential area is 40 km/h.

We also note that the driver is not exempt from administrative liability for other violations committed in a residential area.

Here are some examples:

  1. Driving with low beam headlights on should be done not only at night, but also during the day. Instead of low beams in the daytime, the driver can use fog lights (paragraph 4 of clause 19.4 of the Rules). Accordingly, if the driver drives at night in a residential area without low beams or with fog lights, liability will arise under Art. 12.20. AK – a warning issued in accordance with Art. 3.4. AK, or a penalty of 500 rubles (can be paid with a 50% discount).
  2. When leaving the zone, the driver, in order to avoid an accident, must give priority to all road users. For not allowing a car to pass when leaving, sanctions will be imposed in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 12.14. AK – warning or fine of 500 rubles (can be paid with a discount). The same punishment awaits those who in a residential area do not allow “interference on the right” to pass (remember that in courtyard areas the rules for driving equivalent roads apply - editor's note).
  3. Driving on the sidewalk. As stated in paragraph 17.1. According to the rules, pedestrians within a residential area can move on sidewalks and on the roadway. Accordingly, driving a motorist onto the sidewalk within a residential area will entail punishment under Part 2 of Art. 12.15 AK – fine 2000 rubles.

Fines and sanctions

And now for many the most important part of our story. Namely, a section with fines that drivers face if they violate the rules that apply to the validity of the residential zone sign in question.

It is worth highlighting several main points in this regard:

  • Violating the speed limit, the driver will pay according to the standard fine scheme;
  • If you drive in a residential area at a speed of over 100 kilometers per hour, you can say goodbye to your license;
  • Violating the rules of priority, the fine can range from a modest 500 rubles to a more impressive 3 thousand rubles;
  • If you enter or exit a residential area incorrectly, the fine can be about 1,500 rubles;
  • With the rules of parking and stopping, everything is as standard as in the traffic rules for ordinary roads;
  • When you stop on the lawn, you can pay a different amount. This depends on a number of factors. In Moscow, for example, it is 5 thousand rubles.

Violations of traffic rules in indoor areas are subject to a fine of 1,500 rubles. But if you broke the rules in St. Petersburg or Moscow, the amount doubles.

Someone will say that such rules can be violated, because in Russia no one monitors residential areas, they are not patrolled. In fact, this is true. But do not forget that eyewitnesses may report your violation, film everything on camera, or provide evidence in the form of recordings from surveillance cameras. As a result, the fine may come completely unexpectedly and for a large amount. Namely, this even threatens with deprivation of rights for up to 6 months.

Now each of you will think twice before stepping on the gas inside the yard or trying to get around a traffic jam through a residential area.

Thanks everyone for your attention! Subscribe, leave comments, ask questions and do not violate!

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The territory in which the requirements of the Road Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation are in force, establishing the rules of traffic in a residential area.

Fines for driving in residential areas

  • 12.28 part 1 of the Administrative Code Violation of the rules established for the movement of vehicles in residential areas, with the exception of the case provided for in part 2 of this article - an administrative fine in the amount of 1,500 rubles
  • 12.28 part 2 of the Administrative Code Violation provided for by part 1 of this article, committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg - an administrative fine in the amount of 3,000 rubles

Blue rectangular road sign with children.

There is no law stipulating special fines for traffic violations under the “Settled Area” sign, since the sign has an informational function; law enforcement officers can impose an administrative penalty only for failure to comply with traffic rules on the mandatory reduction of speed.

The procedure for imposing administrative penalties for speeding in a populated area is regulated by the relevant paragraphs of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.9, parts 2-5.

Table 2 - Fines for driving through a populated area at an illegal speed

To remind drivers of the rules of movement within the boundaries of territories inhabited by citizens, a residential zone sign is installed, urging them to follow the rules for driving cars near buildings. Violation of the provisions set out in Section 17 of the Traffic Regulations, relating to residential areas, can lead to fines and the loss of your driver's license.

There is a paragraph in the set of traffic rules that clearly regulates the norms of driver behavior in a residential area. For failure to comply with these requirements, you can pay a significant fine or even lose your license for a year.

Therefore, it would be useful to figure out what space can be considered a living area and how to behave in it.

To begin with, we note that each residential area must be marked with a special sign.

Residential zone sign

So, let's talk about what the “Residential Zone” sign looks like, what this label means and when its validity ends.

As we know, each road sign has its own number, written in the traffic rules. The “Residential Zone” road sign is numbered 5.21.

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This is a rectangular road marker in which the vertical edge is longer than the horizontal one.

It depicts in white the corner of a residential multi-storey building, a car and children playing ball.

Cancel action

The coverage area of ​​the “Residential zone” sign is determined by the sign numbered 5.22. It looks the same as the 5.21 tag, but it has a diagonal red stripe across the main image.

Where is it placed?

It’s easy to guess that such marks are placed mainly in residential areas. More specifically, in the courtyards of multi-story buildings. Failure by drivers to comply with the rules of conduct in such places can cause a lot of discomfort to residents of high-rise buildings and even threaten their life and health.


Good luck on the roads!

Definition of "Residential Area"?

In cities, the installation of a “Residential zone” sign is quite rare, therefore, by default, the boundaries of such a territory are usually attributed to the zones of residential buildings and their courtyards, including driveways to houses, kindergartens, and schools.

The procedure for driving near objects intended for human habitation is strictly regulated by section of traffic rules No. 17. The chapter covers the rules that must be observed by the driver of each vehicle.

A residential zone is a specially arranged area in which special rules apply. Entry into and exit from a residential area is indicated by appropriate signs and .

From the definition itself it is clear that this territory is located in residential areas, in areas where there are multi-storey and private houses. The car must drive in residential areas according to special rules.

The yard area involves some restrictions that relate to:

  1. Vehicle speed;
  2. Stopping rules;
  3. Entry and exit rules.

It is important to emphasize that these requirements are valid only for courtyards and adjacent areas. The difficulty is that the Civil Code of Russia does not define these concepts. So drivers should only follow the signs. If they are missing, then there is usually a speed limit sign.

It is also important that traffic police vehicles do not enter courtyard areas very often. Drivers know this and park their cars on lawns and playgrounds.

The exact definition is given in the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

“A specially developed area where special traffic regulations apply. Entrances and exits are marked respectively with signs and ".

Already from the name it is clear that such areas are located within residential areas, in areas where multi-storey or private houses are built. The main advantage in movement here is given to pedestrians and cyclists, therefore serious restrictions apply, including:

  • to the speed of movement of vehicles;
  • to the rules of stopping and parking;
  • to exit and entry.

It should also be noted that these requirements are relevant for courtyards and adjacent territories, however, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and traffic rules do not provide a definition of the terms “household or courtyard areas”. Thus, you need to focus on the signs and . If they are not there, then a speed limit sign of up to 20 or 5 kilometers per hour is usually posted.

An important point is that traffic police and traffic police patrol cars rarely enter the courtyards of houses, so drivers often take advantage of this by exceeding the speed limit and placing their vehicles on playgrounds and lawns.

Residents of houses can teach violators a lesson by reporting this, for example, through the application form on the official website of the traffic police.

A complete definition of a residential zone can be found in the town planning code. All the signs that such a place has are clearly described there. But, for the driver, only the definition in the traffic rules is important.

The rules state that the residential area is marked with signs

. Everything that is not marked with these signs is not a residential area from the point of view of the traffic police. It is recommended to monitor the presence of these signs when entering the courtyards. If they do not exist, then compliance with the characteristic rules for such territories is observed only formally. There are no clear definitions anywhere of what should be considered a local area, so you need to rely on the signs. There may also be additional signs posted in many yards, such as:

. In some cases there may be restrictions on the entry of certain types of vehicles.

The general rule is that when driving in residential and adjacent areas, pedestrians and cyclists have an advantage. Even if there are no signs indicating such a zone, it is better to adhere to this rule in yards. Also, be careful when entering a public road; often only right turns are allowed.

What changes have occurred in 2020

Let us immediately note that in 2020, no changes were made to either Section 17 of the Rules or clause 10.2, which regulates the maximum speed in local areas.

No significant amendments were made to Section 17 of the Rules until 2020. For example, the latest amendment was made to clause 17.1. Government Decree No. 767 of December 14, 2005 “On the introduction of...”. The essence of the amendment is the replacement of words “with signs 5.38. and 5.39.” on “signs 5.21. and 5.22.”

Another amendment was made by Decree of the Government of Russia No. 67 of January 24, 2001 “On the Introduction ...” and consisted of an exception to clause 17.2. words “moving at a speed of more than 20 km/h.” Thus, the essence of the amendment was only to transfer the corresponding prohibition from clause 17.2. in clause 10.2. Rules

The essence of the amendments is as follows:

  • Part 2 was introduced - previously there was no differentiation in the amount of fines for cities of federal significance and other constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • The amount of the fine under Part 1 was changed - previously it was 500 rubles, now it is 1,500 rubles.

So, Section 17 of the Rules establishes the rules of movement within residential areas and areas of apartment buildings.

It must be observed by both pedestrians and car drivers. Failure to comply will result in liability in accordance with current AC regulations.

Is it possible to transport children in a car in accordance with traffic regulations in the front seat? This article explains:

transporting children in a car according to traffic regulations


What the driver is required to do according to traffic rules when turning left, see on the page.

Find out what the overtaking prohibited sign looks like according to the traffic rules from this information.

Tags: residential, sign, zone, beginning

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